The person next to me is an english teacher from Thailand, she doesnt speak any Japanese so she stuck around me.
My LP and her Husband.
Holly cow, oh wait thats not holly.
So there are a few of these, just a few of the plants here in Denpark and apparently Denmark.
Huge water lilys.
Periodicly my photographer side of me takes hold.
I thought this was a cool looking building.
Denpark is famous for its pumpkins. Especially during Halloween.
I don't know.
This was cute. I think it would be fun to do back home or show Miss. Metz
Turned out inside the building was an Art exhibit.... and legos.
Not very secret if it has a sign... just saying.
This is my new favorite flower. It's meaning in english is Cat Whiskers.
I am proud of this one, considering the equipment I was using.
Best Grass I have ever seen.
I didn't know the name of these, does anyone else know?
Was a nice sunny day.
Behind me is a large Clock.
I think Denpark was aimed towards kids.
And a large windmill.
The park was pretty but was very hot. We all had ice cream at the creamery (best name for it) afterwards we went to a ramen shop for lunch. Which was great. I had a good time, and I enjoyed the flowers.